
A Journey Through the Bible Jesus Read

  • Why does God in the Old Testament seem so different from Jesus?
  • Is the Old Testament relevant to our lives as Christians?
  • Why is the Old Testament so confusing and hard to read?

Come explore these questions and journey through the Old Testament with us in Origins.

Origins has been one of the most popular tracks at Chapter Focus Week. It’s creatively designed and helps answer a lot of questions we have about the (often confusing) Old Testament.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we decided to bring the track to you! Starting April 27th, join us for a four-week series of live sessions, recorded videos, and small group times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Other questions? Contact your Upper Peninsula InterVarsity Staff.

Register Here

Starting April 27

Register by Thursday, April 23

Cost: $15 (scholarships available)


Due to the nature of the track, please commit to participating in all of the sessions.

It will be a much richer experience for you and will honor the time invested by the staff in providing this opportunity. If you have concerns or prior obligations, please let your staff know as soon as possible.

Getting Oriented

Watch on your own before the first session.


Live Bible Study

Monday, April 27, 4:00-5:30pm


Live Bible Study

Wednesday, April 29, 4:00-5:30pm

Abraham’s Family

In small groups – schedule a time to meet.

Exodus and the Law

Live Bible Study

Monday, May 4, 4:00-5:30pm

Settling in the Land

Some videos to watch on your own.

In small groups – schedule a time to meet.

United Monarchy and the Temple

Some videos to watch on your own.

In small groups – schedule a time to meet.

Divided Kingdom and the Prophets

Live Session

Thursday, May 7, 4:00-5:30pm


Live Bible Study

Monday, May 11, 4:00-5:30pm

Return to the Land

Some videos to watch on your own.

In small groups – schedule a time to meet.

Topical Study

Optional session in small groups.

Promise of Restoration

Live Bible Study

Monday, May 18, 4:00-5:30pm

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Live Session

Wednesday, May 20, 4:00-5:00pm

Register Now


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This session of Origins is intended for college students in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and their friends. Alumni and family members may register, but preference will be given to current students and high school seniors if we hit our registration limit.

Can my non-Christian friend participate?

Yes! There may be certain elements that you’d explain to your friend, but Origins has been appreciated by both Christians and non-Christians for years. Let your InterVarsity staff know if your non-Christian friend signs up so we can put you in the same small group.

Do I need to know anything about the Old Testament to sign up?

While some knowledge of the Old Testament will be helpful at certain parts of Origins, participants come with all sorts of different backgrounds and perspectives on the Old Testament. As long as you come with an open mind, ready to learn, you don’t need any prior experience with the Old Testament.

What if I can’t make all of the sessions?

Each session builds on the others, so we ask that you make every effort to participate in all of them. There are seven live sessions with fixed times; the others are done with your small group on your own schedule.

We do recognize that things come up, and so if there are some sessions that you can not attend, please contact your staff or mention that on your registration form and we will work with you to make them up.

What if I can’t afford the registration cost?

We have generous alumni of InterVarsity that provide scholarships for students who need it. Ask your InterVarsity staff or specific your need on the registration form.

If you’re able to help out others, you can give scholarship money here.

Who is involved in Origins?

Origins was written by Lindsay Olesberg, author of The Bible Study Handbook, as an Old Testament survey experience for InterVarsity students. It has been run at camps nationally for years.

This session of the Origins curriculum is taught by InterVarsity staff in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.