We welcome students into caring, diverse communities, where they can build friendships and explore Christian faith in the marketplace of ideas.
Most of our communication is on Discord.Join our Discord Server
Get in Touch
Whether you are currently at Tech or yet to arrive, we’d love to connect with you. Fill out this form and an InterVarsity staff, volunteer, or student will get in touch soon!
Who We Are
As InterVarsity, we believe that God loves every student and faculty at Michigan Tech and has called us to reach every corner of campus.
Small Groups
Small groups provide a place for deep friendships to form as we look at what the Bible says and how to put it into practice. Some groups are focused on specific corners of campus (like an enterprise or major, international students or a sports team) and others are open more generally.
View our current small groups.
Join our discord server for the most up to date small groups info
Large Group Meetings
Our large groups are at 7pm Thursday. Once a month we partner with Evangel Community Church, and have Fuse at the church. (There is a bus to provide transportation for students on campus.)
Our large groups are a time for teaching, worship, and sharing stories of how God is at work on campus.
We have seen how God hears and responds to our prayers, and regularly gather for group prayer meetings.
There are a number of ways to grow in your faith while at Michigan Tech.
Deeply Rooted
If you’re new to InterVarsity, we have a group called Deeply Rooted to help you dig deeper into scripture and get more connected with InterVarsity. Date/time TBD.
Men’s Group
Gather with other men for encouragement and accountability. Date/time TBD.
Retreats and Conferences
A time away from campus to connect with God and our community.
Lahti Retreat, September 8-10, 2023
More info and registration here
Catalyst Conference, October 27-29, 2023
More details to come…
Upper Peninsula Winter Conference, January 26-28, 2023
More details to come…
Intervarsity’s ministry at Michigan Tech
Draw students to Jesus as Savior and Lord
Teach students to respond to God’s Word
Engage people of all
cultures and ethnicities
Encourage service to God’s purposes in the world